Monster Mash is a yearly event created by Somerville Arts Council’s SomeerStreets programming, the City of Somerville’s take on the internationally renowned Open Streets concept, closing busy city streets to vehicles, and opening them up for cycling, walking, dancing, running, and other modes of activity. Through SomerStreets, the City and its community partners aim to promote and encourage easy access to physical activity, and reconnecting with neighborhoods and businesses and their unique cultural elements in a thriving urban environment. It was spooktacular!
From October 16, OTL will be displaying artwork in the reception area at the Ability Center in Natick. The exhibition titled Outside the Lines includes work by artists that have gone beyond the expectations of a medium or project idea presented. It will feature works on canvas and mixed media pieces.
We had a great day yesterday sharing our Halloween and autumn themed art at Monster Mashed Up in Somerville. It was a blast!